

Casts and Splints

Casts and Splints

As its name suggests, this workshop will focus on the orthopaedic management and treatment of fractures. You will get acquainted with the most common types of limb fractures and the indications of casts and splints for their respective treatment. You will also get the chance to place casts and splints for upper limb fractures.

Category: Basic Surgeons: Orthopaedics Duration: 4 hours


Laparoscopic surgery allows for faster recovery time, less pain and smaller scars than open surgery. Our workshop approaches the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery, covering the basic principles, ergonomics, preoperative and postoperative considerations. You will have the chance to practice instrument and camera handling, knot-tying, dissection and suturing techniques on pegboards.

Category: Basic Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours


For those of you who take an interest in ENT, this workshop will give you the chance to learn about some procedures and instruments used in septoplasty. You will simulate this intervention and correct any defects or deformities of the nasal septum using biological material.

Category: Basic Surgeons: ENT Duration: 4 hours
Surgery 101

Surgery 101

This workshop will teach you the basic steps a surgeon undergoes prior to entering the operating room and the most common knots. You will have the opportunity to learn about asepsis and antisepsis, the proper way to wash your hands before the surgery, how to put on your surgical coat and many more.

Category: Basic Surgeons: Basic Duration: 4 hours


This is one of the workshops you need to attend in case you are just entering the surgical field, as you will become familiar with the main surgical instruments, learn how to manage a surgical wound and practice elementary surgical procedures such as incisions and several types of suture (continuous and discontinuous), as well as discuss indications on when to perform each of them.

Category: Basic Surgeons: Basic Duration: 4 hours


Aesthetic Surgery

Aesthetic Surgery

At this workshop, you will become familiar with the specific surgical instruments used in aesthetic surgery and you will discuss operative techniques (such as blepharoplasty, otoplasty, liposuction) supported by preoperative and postoperative images.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Arterial Graft Harvesting

Arterial Graft Harvesting

This workshop will simulate arterial graft harvesting from biological material using the no-touch technique. Participants will be familiarized with the incision and the dissection of the biological material, ligature of the collateral vessels and arteriotomy. Then, you will simulate the closing of the patients using multiple-layers sutures.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Vascular Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Breast Surgery

Basic Skills in Breast Surgery

This workshop consists in theoretical and practical presentations regarding mastectomy and breast reconstruction. You will also get to perform a breast augmentation procedure on biological material.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Gastric Surgery

Basic Skills in Gastric Surgery

This workshop will focus on the various types of gastric resections, gastric reconstruction techniques and other types of surgical procedures that are used to treat gastric pathologies. For the practical part, you will have the chance to learn the basics of Nissen fundoplication, gastrotomy with gastrorrhaphy and pyloroplasty.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Gynaecology

Basic Skills in Gynaecology

This workshop is meant to teach you the basics behind the most frequent gynaecological surgical interventions. You will get familiar with the specific instruments and get the chance to openly discuss the principles and approaches in Gynaecological Surgery. Afterwards, you will perform an ovariectomy, an excision of a uterine fibroid and a hysterorrhaphy.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Gynaecology Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Interventional Radiology

Basic Skills in Interventional Radiology

This workshop will introduce you into the universe of Interventional Radiology. You will learn about the most used procedures, and also have the chance to perform some of them, such as mounting the sheath, selective catheterization of the vessels, balloon angioplasty, embolisation and thromboaspiration.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Interventional Radiology Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Basic Skills in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

This workshop will present the main surgical techniques used in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, with a focus on: marginal mandibular resection, bone graft reconstruction and various flaps. You will become familiar with the specific instruments, discuss the principles and approaches in OMF surgery.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Surgery is currently one of the most sought-after surgical fields, and surgeons from all around the world focus their attention and resources on developing new surgical techniques and evolving the current ones. We are bringing a workshop that concentrates on the surgical approach of the large bowel. You will have the chance to practise some of the most frequently used techniques, such as bowel resections with side-to-side, side-to-end and end-to-end anastomosis.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours


This is a great workshop for Pediatric Surgery enthusiasts. There will be theoretical presentations about esophageal atresia and surgical procedures specific for treating this condition. You will have the chance to perform an esophagoplasty and a gastrostoma on biologic material.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Paediatric Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Flaps and Plasties in Plastic Surgery

Flaps and Plasties in Plastic Surgery

This Plastics’ workshop will collect the most frequent procedures performed while focusing mainly on skin reconstruction. You will become familiar with the specific surgical instruments used in this field. You will also learn how to manage a surgical wound and how to perform a Z-plasty and an advancement flap.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Hepatobiliary Surgery

Hepatobiliary Surgery

This workshop will teach you the anatomy and surgical approaches of the common hepatic duct, gallbladder and common bile duct. You will perform an open cholecystectomy and an anastomosis between the common hepatic duct and the jejunum.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Intestinal Anastomoses

Intestinal Anastomoses

This workshop will present the key principles behind Bowel Surgery. You will become familiar with the principles of mesenteric dissection, enterectomy, as well as different types of intestinal anastomoses and the various situations in which they can be applied. During the practical part you will perform a termino-terminal anastomosis.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Lower Urinary Tract Surgery

Lower Urinary Tract Surgery

This workshop takes care of both the theoretical and the practical key aspects of the surgical pathology of ureters and urinary bladder. You will be taught how to successfully perform an ureteral reimplantation and a cystorrhaphy. 

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Urology Duration: 4 hours


This workshop is divided into two main parts, focussing on the basic principles regarding craniotomy and the surgical techniques used in the treatment of herniated discs, both theoretical and practical. 

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Neurosurgery Duration: 4 hours
Pulmonary Surgery

Pulmonary Surgery

This workshop provides exposure to lung anatomy, dissection and surgical skills. It encourages you to find out how our lungs move as we breathe, to relate the structure of the lungs to how they work when we breathe and to explore the bronchi that enter the lung and how they divide. Moreover, you will have the chance to perform a wedge resection and a total pneumonectomy.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Thoracic Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Radius Fractures

Radius Fractures

The aim of this workshop is to establish the baseline in radius fractures and the possibilities of treatment. You will learn about the different fracture patterns, the surgical treatment and the steps of the surgical techniques followed in the O.R. and post-operative care. You will also get the chance to practice what you’ve learned by stabilizing a radius shaft fracture with plates and screws.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Orthopaedics Duration: 4 hours
Stomas in Digestive Surgery

Stomas in Digestive Surgery

This workshop will teach you the essential steps for placing a stoma while performing Digestive Surgery. You will discuss small and large bowel pathology, types of stomas and different ways of performing this technique. There will be biological material on which you can exercise using specialized instruments.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours


This workshop focuses on an important part of plastic surgery: tendon reconstruction. At first, you will get acquainted with the specific instruments used in Plastic Surgery. Then, you will learn how to manage a surgical wound and how to perform tendon sutures. Then, you will simulate the closing of the patients using multiple-layers sutures.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Upper Urinary Tract Surgery

Upper Urinary Tract Surgery

This workshop will sum up some of the most important aspects and procedures in the field of Kidney Surgery. First, you will discuss frequent procedures used in Urology, mainly focussing on the kidney. Then, you will perform a partial and a total nephrectomy followed by some key elements of kidney dissection.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Urology Duration: 4 hours
Valve Replacement

Valve Replacement

This workshop will teach you how to perform some of the most frequent procedures in Cardiovascular Surgery, with a focus on Heart Valve Surgery. You will discuss the surgical approach to the heart, become familiar with the special instruments used in Cardiovascular Surgery, learn about extracorporeal circulation, prosthetic heart valves and perform an aortic valve implantation.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Cardiovascular Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Vascular Anastomoses

Vascular Anastomoses

This workshop will present the key principles behind vascular surgery. You will learn about the special instruments used in Vascular Surgery and how to perform different procedures such as arteriotomy, arteriorrhaphy and angioplasty, as well as vascular anastomoses, and study the main indications for vascular surgery.

Category: Intermediate Surgeons: Vascular Surgery Duration: 4 hours


Advanced Skills in Gastric Surgery

Advanced Skills in Gastric Surgery

This workshop will offer you a detailed sight over the surgical pathology of the stomach, focusing on ⅔/ ¾  gastric resections with the various types of gastric anastomosis, such as gastro-duodenal anastomosis (Billroth 1) and gastro-jejunal anastomosis (Billroth 2). 

Category: Advanced Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Advanced Skills in Gynaecology

Advanced Skills in Gynaecology

Our workshop will cover the fundamentals of vaginal hysterectomy, as it is a commonly performed procedure in gynaecology. This procedure is used for treating conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids or prolapse. You will learn about anatomy and discuss the types of hysterectomies. You will perform the techniques involved in this procedure, but also simulate the transvaginal approach.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Gynaecology Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Microsurgery

Basic Skills in Microsurgery

As the field of microsurgery is rapidly developing, this workshop will present some of its key principles. You will have the opportunity to discuss basic microsurgery notions and specific instruments. You will get the chance to perform sutures under the microscope on a range of materials, such as Sun Lee discs, leaves and petals.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Microsurgery Duration: 4 hours
Basic Skills in Ophthalmology

Basic Skills in Ophthalmology

This workshop will present basic principles of Ophthalmology, from eye anatomy and specific instruments to clinical evaluation techniques and basic ophthalmic surgery skills. You will get the chance to perform comprehensive eye examinations. The basics of Ophthalmology Trauma will also be a part of the workshop, as well as scleral and sclero-corneal sutures. 

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Ophthalmology Duration: 4 hours
Broncho-Tracheal Surgery

Broncho-Tracheal Surgery

Concerning one of the most tempting surgical fields for many medical students, this workshop’s aim is to help you become familiar with the main techniques and materials used in the surgical pathology of the tracheo-broncheal system, as well as with the different types of tracheoplasty. The practical part will focus on a tracheo-tracheal termino-terminal anastomosis and carinal resection with reconstruction.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Thoracic Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

This workshop will give you the opportunity to learn the technique and operative steps involved in Cataract Surgery. You will earn the basic practical and theoretical skills in corneal incision technique, capsulorrhexis, lens phacoemulsification and aspiration, and injection of artificial lens into the remaining bag.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Ophtalmology Duration: 4 hours
Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital Heart Defects

This workshop will offer you the opportunity to learn about the main pathologies of the heart that paediatric surgeons usually operate on. The practical part will consist of the surgical treatment of ventricular septal defects.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Paediatric/ Cardiovascular Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Coronary Bypass

Coronary Bypass

This workshop will teach you how to perform some of the most frequent procedures in Cardiovascular Surgery, with a focus on coronary bypass. You will discuss the surgical approach to the heart, become familiar with the special instruments used in Cardiovascular Surgery, learn about extracorporeal circulation and bypass procedures and perform a coronary bypass yourself.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Cardiovascular Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Esogastric Surgery

Esogastric Surgery

The aim of this workshop is to highlight the procedures performed on the upper digestive tract. In the beginning you will learn some aspects of the pathologies in this field. The hands-on experience will consist of performing a gastrectomy, various types of fundoplication techniques used in the treatment of gastric reflux and many more.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: General Surgery Duration: 4 hours
Femur Fractures

Femur Fractures

The aim of this workshop is to establish the baseline in femur pathologies, especially fractures, and the possibilities of treatment. You will learn about the different fracture patterns, the surgical treatment and the steps of the surgical techniques followed in the O.R. and post-operative care. You will also get the chance to practice what you’ve learned by stabilising some femur fractures with different kinds of osteosintesis.

Category: Advanced Surgeons: Orthopaedics Duration: 4 hours

Booking procedure

Booking your practical session will be available after registrations end, in the My account section. We will announce the exact dates at that moment.

The booking procedure will be split in 3 days. Day 1 is Premium Day, when all participants with premium packs will be able to book their practical sessions - they have the chance to book from all places available at our practical sessions. Do not forget that only 2 out of the 3 practical sessions from Premium packs have priority. 

Day 2 is for everyone! Half of the places that remain available for each practical session will be opened for booking. During the second day, all participants will be able to book practical sessions, including those with Premium packs for the 3rd practical session or those who did not book their practical sessions during the first day.

Day 3 is for last chances! If you didn’t get the chance to book your desired practical session on Day 2, you have one more shot. All participants have the chance to book from the other half of places available. Therefore, everyone gets two chances to book their favourite practical session, so don’t lose hope!