Romanian Student Society of Surgery

Welcome Letter
Our achievements
Our goals

The Romanian Student Society of Surgery is a non-governmental organisation, sustained by a group of medical students who share the same passion for surgery and are driven by a common goal: to make sure that their community has all the tools it requires to provide the society with elite practitioners in the years to follow. Since its founding in 2004, our Society kept evolving and reaching more and more students, growing a strong, elaborate and versatile team, across the entire country.

We now organise basic and specialised workshops, covering all surgical specialties, and even though the pandemic made us rethink our organising methods, after an initial pause in our activity, we thought of new ways of moving forward, safely and efficiently, in order to not let down our colleagues who share the same passion for surgery as we all do!

SURGICON represents our biggest project so far. After a successful first edition, organising the second one, fully online and without our signature hands-on workshops, represented a true challenge, but one we are very proud to say we overpassed. At our third edition, we adopted a hybrid format, encompassing both hands-on activities and online events, allowing participants from all over the world to join.