Cutting borders, stitching the future


It takes time to achieve consistency in surgery. Let us help you with your first steps.

SURGICON is an INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS organized by the Romanian Student Society of Surgery.
The second edition will take place during October 22nd – October 25th 2020.


16 years in the field and a few successful concepts that led us on: one of them was diversity.

People are sometimes unexplicably attracted to the new in their surroundings, so we are constantly trying to offer our colleagues original means of expressing their academic curious spirit – increasing and updating the types of activities that we organise, workshops and scientific endeavours, is a permanent concern.


An international surgical congress students expect and deserve

Last year’s edition brought together almost 500 participants, almost 50 workshops covering all surgical specialties, and around 15 international speakers that inspired us with their words and experiences. Encouraging, yet down to earth and warm, they offered eye-opening lectures on what we are to encounter. We aim for the same amount of incentives and wish to display a similar progressive vision.


Many generations of volunteers who continue to believe in our mission

So many generations of passionate emerging surgeons dedicated their spare time and energy to our Society and their colleagues – proud to move their mission forward, more and more students adhered to the group of 6 that started this journey. There are now hundreds in it, and we expect more and more – join the Surgicon spinoff and let’s keep growing together!

Keynote Speakers

World-renowned surgeons will focus their talks on research perspectives in surgery
and challenges faced on the road to becoming a successful practitioner


Live surgeries & Live in a box cases

Even more coming soon

The holistic approach of endometriosis

Endometriosis is an often painful condition in which cells similar to those in the endometrium, the layer of tissue that normally covers the inside of the uterus, grow outside it. Most commonly, it involves the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining the pelvis. Doctors can diagnose and treat endometriosis with laparoscopy. The surgeon makes small incisions near the navel and lower abdomen, examines the internal organs and removes any visible endometriosis, adhesions and endometriomas restoring the normal pelvic anatomy as much as possible. 

This live-in-a-box session involves three presentations:
•    What is endometriosis and how do we establish the correct diagnosis?
•    Therapeutic principles in the treatment of deep infiltrating endometriosis
•    The surgical treatment of deep infiltrating intestinal endometriosis

Category: The holistic approach of endometriosis Surgeons: Surgical team: Cătălin Coroleucă, MD, Diana Comandașu, MD, Rubin Munteanu, MD (Monza Hospital) Date: Friday, October 23


Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure where some or all of the vitreous humor gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina of the eyeball is removed in order to provide better access to the retina. This technique could be performed in patients with a retinal tear, diabetic retinopathy, a macular hole, epiretinal membrane, an infection called endophthalmitis, severe eye injury or a retinal detachment. The surgeon then injects saline or a bubble made of gas or silicone oil into the space, which will be gradually replaced by the eye’s own fluids.

Category: Vitrectomy Surgeons: Florian Baltă, MD (Retina Clinic) Date: Thursday, October 22

Hiatal Hernia Surgery

A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through the diaphragm. Although many people with hiatal hernia do not experience any signs or symptoms and do not need treatment, if  recurrent heartburn or acid reflux occur, they may need medication or surgery. Surgery is used for those who do not respond to medication or have complications, such as severe inflammation or narrowing of the esophagus. The procedure may involve pulling the stomach down into the abdomen and making the opening in the diaphragm smaller, reconstructing an esophageal sphincter or removing the hernia sac.

Category: Hiatal Hernia Surgery Surgeons: Cătălin Copăescu, MD, PhD (Ponderas Academic Hospital) Date: Thursday, October 22

Posterior fossa hematoma removal

The posterior cranial fossa is the deepest and most confined space in the skull. Posterior fossa hematomas are life-threatening hemorrhages that affect the structures of the posterior fossa (cerebellum and the brainstem). The surgical management of this condition can be done either by placing an external ventricular drain or through an open craniotomy. The main approaches are suboccipital paramedian or midline craniotomy. The procedures start with the skin incision, then, both skin and muscles are dissected and lifted off the skull. Once the bone is exposed, we can do the craniotomy. The craniotomy flap is lifted and removed, uncovering the dura mater. The bone flap is stored to be replaced at the end of the procedure. The dura mater is then opened to expose the brain parenchyma. After the hematoma is drained, the dura mater is closed, and the bone flap is positioned, aligned, and fixed with metal clips. Finally, the skin is sutured.

The live surgery session will be initiated by a presentation of Dr. Vicențiu Săceleanu entitled “Brain IT – Brain revealed: Innovative technologies in neurosurgery study”.

Category: Posterior fossa hematoma removal Surgeons: Vicentiu Saceleanu, MD, Vladimir Rosca, MD, Liliana Boca, MD (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Medicine; County Clinical Emergency Hospital of Sibiu) Date: Friday, October 23

Cervical and ovarian cancer resection

The surgery done for cervical and ovarian cancer is a radical hysterecomy with salpingo-oophorectomy.The goal of the surgery is to remove all visible ovarian and cervical cancer. It usually includes a hysterectomy, which removes the uterus, cervix, and parts of the vagina, a salpingo-oophorectomy which removes the ovaries and fallopian tubes, removing and checking the pelvic and aortic lymph nodes to see if the cancer has spread,checking the abdominal organs, the omentum and tissues for cancer cells.

Category: Cervical and ovarian cancer resection Surgeons: Voicu Caius Simedrea, MD (Endoinstitute, Regina Maria Hospital, Timișoara) Date: Friday, October 23

Cataract surgery

A cataract is an opacification of the lens of the eye which leads to a blurry vision and an increased glare of the lights. It develops slowly and can affect one or both eyes. Fortunately, cataract surgery is generally a safe, effective procedure and it takes an hour or less to perform. During the surgical intervention, the clouded lens is removed and a clear artificial lens is usually implanted into the empty lens capsule. In some cases, however, a cataract may be removed without implanting an artificial lens. The majority of people who undergo cataract surgery regain their vision and heal completely within eight weeks.

Category: Cataract surgery Surgeons: Lukan Mishev, MD (Focus Center, Sofia, Bulgaria) Date: Friday, October 23

Degenerative mitral insufficiency: From the anatomy to the operating room

Mitral valve prolapse is a condition in which the two valve flaps of the mitral valve do not close smoothly or evenly, but bulge (prolapse) upward into the left atrium. Techniques of mitral repair include putting in chords in place of the ruptured chords that led to the leaky valve in the first place. Cutting out extra mitral valve leaflet tissues for large prolapsed valves and making other modifications to the valve leaflets to prevent further leakiness. 

The live-in-a-box session includes four presentations: 
•    The surgical anatomy in mitral valve diseases
•    Perioperative echocardiography in mitral prolapse
•    Case presentation and surgical approach
•    Sternotomy vs. minithoracotomy in mitral valve repair

Category: Degenerative mitral insufficiency: From the anatomy to the operating room Surgeons: Surgical team: Horia Mureșian, MD, Gheorghe Cerin, MD, Theodor Cebotaru, MD (Monza Hospital), Marco Diena, MD (San Donato Hospital, Milan, Italy) Date: Sunday, October 25


A pituitary adenoma is a growth or tumor on the pituitary gland. In transnasal transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery, a surgical instrument is placed through the nostril and alongside the nasal septum to access a pituitary tumor. The surgeon inserts the endoscope in one nostril and advances it to the back of the nasal cavity. The thin bone of the sella is removed to expose the tumor and the pituitary gland. Through a small hole in the sella, the tumor is removed by the neurosurgeon in pieces with long grasping instruments.

The live-in-a-box session includes two presentations:
•    Endoscopic transnasal approach of pituitary adenomas
•   Closing methods of the skull base, incidents and accidents

Category: Rhino-neurosurgery Surgeons: Surgical team: Sergiu Stoica, MD, Bogdan Mocanu, MD (Brain Institute, Monza Hospital) Date: Thursday, October 22

Minimally invasive hepatic oncologic surgery

Both primary and secondary liver cancers are among the most commonly reported causes of cancer-related death. Laparoscopy has become the standard of care for minor liver resections and for some major liver resections. Robotic surgery for liver resections is a promising novel technique and may overcome the limitations of laparoscopy. Laparoscopic radio-frequency ablation and microwave coagulation are additional tools to achieve a local control of lesions nonamenable to surgical resection.

The live-in-a-box session includes two presentations:
•    Minimally invasive approach to liver tumors – a tale from the learning curve
•    A glimpse to the resident life in a HBP team

Category: Minimally invasive hepatic oncologic surgery Surgeons: Surgical team: O. Ginghina, R. Iosifescu, M. Zamfir, A. Spanu, M. Mardare, A. Puscasu, A. Vacarasu, R. Munteanu, V. Burloiu I. Bondoc (Monza Hospital) Date: Saturday, October 24

Scientific Competition

Oral/Poster Presentations

Students will have the opportunity to delve into a topic of their own choice and present their research, literature reviews or experience with clinical cases on a variety of surgical pathologies.

Deadline for abstract submission: October 2nd.

Debate Competition

Students can pair up and prove their persuasive skills by arguing in favour of a certain surgical tehnique to a qualified jury and an extensive public. Two teams take their turns in debating what is the most appropriate approach for today’s most complex diseases.

Deadline for abstract submission: October 2nd.