The team behind SURGICON
“Desire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the ordinary.”
We may not convince you by just reading those words, but they are imprinted in our DNA - The Romanian Student Surgical Society has been established and has thrived by them for the past 15 years.
As a passionate, dynamic and forward-thinking group, our team has managed to prove to thousands of future surgeons or even surgeons that obstacles are just catalysts for greatness, dreams can be passed on from generation to generation, and there is some sort of energy that takes hold on every participant or volunteer and enlightens them to become better surgeons.
All of the great surgeons started their professional path with passion, hard work, determination and, why not, with a dash of madness ;). At SURGICON, we are striving to offer you exactly the environment you need to accomplish all of that (and a lot more), giving you the opportunity to get immersed in breath-taking Conferences, thrilling hands-on Surgical Workshops, challenging Scientific Sessions and crazy Social Activities (this is where you’ll get your dash of madness from).
On behalf of the whole SURGICON Team, I invite you to join us for the best integrated surgical experience you will ever experience!
See you in Bucharest!
My name is Andrada Artamonov and I am the Communications Vicepresident for both the RSSS and SURGICON. I got involved in this student society no more than two years ago - but time surely dilates when you're having fun with the people you turn into your family!
Why volunteering?
Giving is in my nature - as should be the case for every (future) physician! But being a volunteer allows you both to give and take back some of the most amazing things in life, as it is both about the journey and the endpoint!
Why the RSSS?
Friends, team, work, fun, responsibility, satisfaction, giving, teaching, evolving, being something to someone and then becoming everything to everyone - all wrapped up in this great project, which became my second nature!
Join us now! The game is SurgicON!
There was a time when they used to call operating rooms an "operating theater". It still feels like one. Scores of people get ready for the show. Sets are arranged. There are costumes. Masks. Props. Everything has to be rehearsed, choreographed. All leading up until the moment the curtain goes up. Now it is time to raise the curtain for SURGICON 2019!
First and foremost, I want to wish you all a very warm welcome to the most expected event of the year! If you are reading this, you have already made the first step towards a flourishing career: striving towards a better self.
Among students, medical congresses and conferences are holiday-like events, as everyone expects them breathlessly for a whole year. So when we came up with the idea of organising such an event, we thought of all the students who have been craving a congress dedicated only to surgery.
Not only is SURGICON the first surgical congress for students throughout Europe, but it is also going to be a state-of-the-art surgical event. I stand by these words, as, academically, I vouch for lectures on the latest breakthroughs, given by world renowned surgeons, as well as high-quality, hands-on workshops that cover all the surgical specialties. It is my belief that only by getting to know the top of the top, can one be inspired to pursue a path towards perfection.
Hence, I urge you to be brave and start your scientific journey as early as you can, by taking part in our Scientific Competition (Oral & Poster Competitions), conceived not only as an opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge in a field of your choice, but also as the perfect reason to spark academic debates between peers. This goal will be achieved by us having prepared an unusual concept for student events: the Debate Sessions, who will further stimulate your analytical and critical thinking, an indisposable asset for every surgeon.
I am more than thrilled to welcome you this October in Bucharest and, lastly, congratulations for deciding to be a part of this pioneering event! See you at SURGICON!
To the medical students of today and the surgeons of tomorrow,
On behalf of the organizing Committee, we would like to extend a cordial invitation to join us at SURGICON 2019, held during 24th October - 27th October 2019 in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to participate in this unique event. Our target is facilitating the surgical education of students, while simultaneously promoting interconnection among medical students among different countries.
This fall, we aim to place students and medical professionals in an atmosphere of educational excellence that will allow them to not only explore, but also push the envelopes of the surgical craft.
“Little Paris” will be happy to host you as you embark on a four-day groundbreaking journey: scrub into challenging debates about the future of the surgical field; get inspired by lectures and experiences delivered by top knot surgeons; learn more about your field of interest through workshops, round tables, and contests.
SURGICON will move you one step closer to your dream. We welcome all interested students to confront the most challenging surgical fields —from plastics and cardiovascular surgery, to orthopedics and neurosurgery, with the help of the most talented and experienced surgeons of our time. We look forward to seeing you in Bucharest, to change the way you perceive the medical world, opportunities and limits, as surgeons of tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Diana Potîrniche
General Secretary
Hello! My name is Teodor Dumitraș and I am the Treasurer of both the RSSS and SURGICON. I am in my fifth year and I have been a volunteer for three years and a half now and I firmly believe that in this period I have evolved considerably. This could not have been possible without my team, which consists of persons I learn something from every day, and I thank them very much.
Why RSSS or why SURGICON? Because besides the professional part, I do really feel here at home. They became my friends and all adversities become much easier and enjoyable when we work together.
I really hope that we can turn your SURGICal mode ON and we will do everything we can so that this congress can be a success.
Choices. We all have to make them everyday. As young medical students, we are faced with one of most important choices of our life: "What kind of medicine will I practice for the rest of my life?"
Although it may seem tough and confusing now, I believe that each and every one of us is able to find his place. We just have to reach out and explore.
Whether you are an avid fan of the surgical field or you just aren't very fond of it, having a hands-on surgical experience will bring answers to some of your questions. You don't want to be asking yourself "What if?" in 20 years from now.
My name is Cacior Ștefan and I am the Workshops Department Coordinator. Alongside my colleagues, I'm putting my 3+ years of experience in organizing workshops with RSSS to good use and working on providing you with more than 35 different types of hands-on workshops from 13+ surgical specialities, from which you can pick.
The options are numerous and the experience will be amazing. All you need to do is dare to explore. Come and find your answers.
There are two types of people: the ones who know from the beginning and the ones who know by trial and error.
I knew it from the beginning: the thrill, the sounds, the smell, the adrenaline, the will to help, the rushing heartbeats. The perfect receipe for what made me wish to become a surgeon.
Surgicon 2019 will give you just a glimpse of that. The ABC of what you can experience behind the doors of an OR. Us, students, we must learn the ropes of medical life before we have the chance to take the leading role in any medical act. And what better way to start learning than by hearing the stories of renowned surgeons from all over the world and practicing yourself the basic techniques in surgery? If you already know you want to become a surgeon, then this is the playing field. If you don’t, it’s the perfect opportunity to test the waters. Maybe you’ll fall in love with it, just like I did.
The Registrations department will be your guide. We are the first people to jump and answer your uncertainties and needs. Don’t be afraid to contact us, we may not know the answer right away, but we’ll surely make the best efforts to make sure you’re perfectly informed and enthusiastic about the event. We are the walking info points!
We hope to give you all: a chance to practice, to educate yourselves, to engage in fruitful debates and conversations, to get to know each other and us and to go home with the desire to come back for more. It will be a hands-on experience in any aspect you may imagine!
Hi everyone!
My name is Adrian-Cătălin Pîrvu and I am the IT Department Coordinator for both the RSSS and SURGICON.
I fell in love with volunteering and especially with the RSSS. That is where I found myself surrounded by friends who soon became my second family and who taught me everything they knew so that I can pass that knowledge down to the next generation, just how they did with me.
That is what all of us are trying to do by organising SURGICON 2019, and we can promise you that we will give our very best so that each and everyone of you can experience the same things that we have and that made us fall in love with surgery and volunteering.
We promise you that you will not be dissapointed, so I say it's high time we get to work and start learning practical things, not only theoretical ones!
They say "speaking in public" is the greatest fear of mankind. Before I held my first scientific presentation at a congress, this was all I could think of and it took every bit of courage I had in order not to give up. To this day, it has been the best decision I ever took!
The world of surgery is not all about cutting and sewing, nor is the world of public speaking a place to be feared. Here at SURGICON 2019, we aim to combine the overwhelming emotions of presenting your ideas to a public with the challenging work of researching a clinical case or building an original study from the ground up. For those of you who are more daring, we have also prepared debate sessions, where you can show your persuasion skills on some of the most disputed surgical topics.
Of course, we could never do this alone, so we have invited pioneers in every surgical domain to hold conferences and inspire you with their stories! There is something prepared for everyone to experience and we hope you enjoy SURGICON, the celebration of academic surgery!
When it comes to passions, I have to say that my greatest passion is represented by interpersonal relationships. It seems fascinating to me how a team of only a few people can create results that hundreds can enjoy, how we start as strangers and end up being friends and how people you share every day experiences with can greatly influence your life.
Fundraising has learned me many things about people: what they want, how they think, or what expectations they have. I can hardly wait to meet each of you, the participants of the Surgicon congress, and to have the opportunity to learn new things from you.
The key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey. A great stop on your scientific journey can be Surgicon!
I wish you an authentic experience!
For the very first time, with enthusiasm and delight, we welcome you to the opening edition of SURGICON Medical Congress. What better way to enjoy your short stay, if not combing science with excitement?
My name is Sabina Șucuri, a well-rehearsed planning mind with sparks of creativity and a great love for art. I will use my 3+ experience of organising medical events in creating a thrilling experience during your days in Bucharest. Alongside my extremely motivated volunteers, we will engage in the process of making SURGICON a truly wonderful experience for you. We will provide a great environment for networking and discussing the news and breakthroughs in all surgical fields. Furthermore, you will get a deeper understanding of our host city and a stronger connection with Bucharest. Known for its glorious Belle Époque buildings all around the city, hospitality of the locals, mouth-watering gastronomy, a reputation for the high life (which in the 1900s earned its nickname of "Little Paris") and a pulsating nightlife scene, Romania's largest city and capital, is today a bustling metropolis. Considering all these, we will provide you with an incredible adventure during the Day-time and Night-time Programme including a variety of activities in store that will allow you to relish an authentic Romanian experience.
Because in the end, you won’t remember how cramming for that final exam felt like, but rather how learning led by curiosity, surrounded by new people in an entertaining environment will help you flourish as a person and professional. Find your meaning, your passion and act on it! Be part of SURGICON 2019.
No time to rest in Bucharest!
When I was little, I was always asking my mom and grandma why they engage in so many activities and barely have some time for themselves. They always told me “Time will tell you”. Now I finally have the answer to that question: it’s the FEELING when you see the results of your work. I invite you to taste this feeling! If now, when you are a medical student, you get excited and feel fulfilled when you achieve small goals, just think how you will feel when you will be a doctor saving and changing lives.
As its name says, the department I coordinate deals with people. Our purpose is to spread the word about SURGICON: not only about the technical and scientific details, but also about the FEELINGS that you can get after a congress that encourages you to overcome your barriers and to get the hands-on experience you need.
The game is SurgicON!
If you were to use a word to describe your life as a medical student, what would it be? Mine would be Adventure. The thrill of discovering and living something new every day, the adrenaline, the people, the fear and yet excitement for what the future holds.
There are some people that know for sure how their life will turn out to be, but for the rest of us, we are just following a yellow brick road to an unknown destination. This is the best time to try all the possibilities, allow yourself to experience new things, embark on the SURGICON 2019 journey. Who knows, you might discover your true calling!
My name is Iulia-Alexandra Andrei and I am the Human Resources Coordinator for both RSSS and SURGICON. Alongside my colleagues and the entire volunteering team we hope to create for all of you an experience you’ll never forget. Being a volunteer is all about giving, helping, working hard for the best outcome. And this is what SURGICON 2019 and RSSS are all about. We are not just a group of medical students; we are a family with a big dream and a lot of passion.
Everything we do is for you, the excited, adventurous medical students and nothing will make us happier than having you join us. No matter the destination, this is adventure time!
Hello! My name is Irina and I am the coordinator of the Accommodation department for Surgicon and of the Internal Audit department for RSSS.
Like many of my fellow aspiring students, I believed medicine is about a passion for science, empathy and stellar grades. I know now that it is about so much more than that. It takes courage, discipline, patience, perseverance, wanting to make a difference and willingness to help others strive. But they don’t teach you about those in medschool, so what do you do then?
Well... you become a volunteer! I have been a part of the RSSS family for three years now and it has been an amazing road of discovery!
Do you also want to uncover great things about yourself? Do you dream about a career in the surgical field or are you curious about your hidden talents?
Then JOIN US on this beautiful journey and I promise I’ll find a nice place for you to stay at!
This is the first step of becoming part of the beautiful experience that SURGICON is going to be. I am really glad about the interest students express about the event in which we pour our hearts, our time and all our good thoughts to make it an interesting, useful and exciting experience.
Our initiative was born as a result of the bigger and bigger number of students who wanted to participate at our activities and we thought: “Why don’t we make an event that can show the principles of how we work: spreading knowledge, creating friendships, having fun together?!”.
Of course, I really believe in this project since I decided to take this responsibility to take care of the mon€y, but it is an activity that I do with great pleasure, not only because it prepares me for the future (meaning that as a doctor you should be prepared to take great responsibility and deal with stress), but also because it’s a good opportunity to meet really cool people and make new friends who share your interests.
For me it has been a beautiful journey from the first “Knots and Sutures” workshop that I attended and where I suspected myself of having two left hands and thought that knots were too out of my league, to the present when I am honored to be in the Organizing Committee of SURGICON. Some people may be naturally skilled at something and others may need to practise more, but either way, the process of becoming better and better is really exciting.
I hope that you will enjoy the activities we prepared for you: hands-on workshops, conferences, debates on surgical matters, parties and, of course, a lot of fun and I can’t wait to meet you in October!
If you're a medical student with an interest in the surgical field, expand your knowledge alongside us at SURGICON 2019: take one step further towards following your dreams and building a successful career!
My name is Băcioiu Vlad Ștefan and I am the Graphic Design Department Coordinator. Our team consists of people who share the same interest in the visual arts. We will make sure that the best moments will be caught on camera and presented in a professional and creative manner, so everyone can experience the feeling of being a part of SURGICON: we will be promoting all activities through eye-catching graphics so that every opportunity will be at your reach within a click!
Turn your student life into a full, beautiful and exciting experience by taking part in unique events and helping build them together with our team!